Precedent in Roman law: Basic terms and their semantic content |
Introduction. Until today, the prevailing opinion is that precedent did not play a significant role in the legal system of Rome. However, a number of sources, in particular the papyrus entries of judgement which record the provincial legal practice in Roman Egypt in the period from the 1st to the 3rd centuries, say otherwise. The significant role of precedent in the legal system of Rome is also evidenced with the texts of M. Tullius Cicero, M. Fabius Quinctilian, Pseudo-Asconius, G. Julius Victor. Theoretical analysis. The study of these texts makes it possible to understand what terms the Romans used to denote an authoritative judicial decision, what semantic content they put into them, and how close this content is to the modern idea of a judicial precedent. To designate a court decision that becomes a model, and which judges will be guided by when considering other cases with similar circumstances, Roman talkers use the terms res iudicata, praeiudicium, and exemplum. The precedent, in its classical sense, contains the fundamental legal provisions formulated by the judge in relation to this case, which are usually denoted by the term ratio dicendi. The question arises whether the decision of the court in Rome could establish these legal principles followed by other judges. Empirical analysis. The answer to this question can be obtained by considering the case of the so-called Fulcinian Estate. Being the representative of Caecina in this case, Cicero warns the recuperators against accepting the arguments of his opponent, Piso, based on the legal consequences of their possible decision. Thus, in this case, the judges could issue a decision containing a new legal principle, formulate a generalized legal position in relation to this case. Results. Court decisions in the legal system of Rome had the power of authority. They possessed it for a reason, due to the generalized legal reasoning or legal principles formulated by the judges in relation to the situation under consideration. That is why they became precedents. There were many such court decisions in Rome, they had sufficient authority and contained certain legal principles that judges applied when considering cases with similar circumstances. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1 |
Governing relations in the structure of the mechanism of administrative legal regulation in the sphere of higher education |
Introduction. In conditions of reforming higher school, developing public relations and extending the market of educating services, the relevant governing relations acquire more complex nature, which requires the comprehensive analysis of the activity of both the bodies of executive power and education institutions in their cooperation. Theoretical analysis. The broad diversity of the theoretical approaches to the understanding of the governing relations in the sphere of higher education and legal relations at universities, and specific features of cooperation between the participants of such relations enables the author to make a number of analogies with service relations. Empirical analysis. The author revealed that the disciplinary legal relations of positive type in the sphere of higher education determine the enhancement of efficiency of the public administration in the sphere of higher education. Results. The multiplicity of administrative legal relations in the sphere of higher education causes the terminological ambiguity in certain issues of the realization of the education programs of higher education. The content of these programs are currently not determined legislatively as providing state services. The existing approach to the legal regulation of control and supervisory relations in the relevant sphere has to be reviewed. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1 |
The legal nature of judicial reconciliation |
Introduction. The article examines the legal nature of judicial reconciliation with the participation of a judicial conciliator (hereinafter referred to as judicial reconciliation), and highlights the debatable nature of the topic under consideration. The authors state that it is necessary to disclose the legal nature of judicial reconciliation in order to clarify its place in the legal system of Russia and to identify functional links with other related institutions of substantive and procedural law. Problem statement. The article argues that the success of the introduction of the institution of judicial reconciliation into legal practice depends on the disclosure of its legal nature in the system of human rights tools and mechanisms. At the same time, the ambiguity of the term of “legal nature” itself contributes to uncertainty in this matter. It is proved that the content of the term of “legal nature” includes various signs of the phenomenon, which must be consistently disclosed in the process of cognition. The authors emphasize that the legal nature of judicial reconciliation is complex, dualistic. This is expressed in a combination of judicial (jurisdictional) and extra-judicial (non-jurisdictional, alternative) characteristics, which is clearly revealed in the dualism of the legal status of the judicial conciliator. Theoretical and empirical analysis. The analysis of the legislation shows that, on the one hand, a judicial conciliator is a former judge who has extensive practical experience in legal proceedings and a vision of the prospects for resolving the case; on the other hand, the judicial conciliator, while remaining part of the judicial system, is free from rigid conservativecorporatist judicial discipline when conducting judicial reconciliation and can, without excessive formalism and substantive resolution of the case, offer the parties mutually benefi cial reconciliation conditions, under which the legal confl ict will be resolved. Results. The authors conclude that the duality of the legal nature of judicial reconciliation is due to the convergence processes that take place in the Russian law and trends associated with the change in the confi guration of the judiciary. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1 |
The role of legal propaganda in strengthening the ideological foundations of society |
Introduction. The development of the national legal system cannot take place in isolation from the legal ideology. In its turn, the legal ideology determines the goals of the influence of legal propaganda: the ideas-values, that are key to the influencing nature of propaganda, remain basic in the legal ideology. Despite the fact that ideas-values set the goals of the impact of legal propaganda, the effectiveness of the propaganda itself depends directly on these value ideas. Theoretical analysis. The direct influence of legal propaganda is expressed in the assimilation by the individual of those stereotypes and behavior patterns that the individual was aimed at. Indirect (mediated) influence of legal propaganda is also possible. Indirect influence can be spotted in cases where there was no targeted impact, but the result is manifested in the reinforcement of previously formed attitudes, possibly through intermediary subjects, as well as under the influence of the social environment. Any law in force is an indicator of those ideas about law that have developed in a particular society and in itself also has a law-propaganda effect. Legal propaganda is not limited to its legal component: the ideological component also includes subjective components responsible for the perception and understanding of legal behavior, whether it is the political experience of the addressee, his / her sense of justice and civic responsibility. Accordingly, there is a dependence of the effectiveness of the perception of legal propaganda on the level of legal awareness: at the level of professional legal awareness, we believe that a high level of perception of legal propaganda can be registered (depending on the source of propaganda, scientific methods, manipulative means, sensitivity to public assessments, critical comprehension, etc.). Results. An extensive system of state propaganda, including legal propaganda, ensures the formation of common value orientations in society. State propaganda is multifaceted, but it is always in line with the legal field. It is concluded that propaganda is one of those active components, means that ensure the real effectiveness of legal ideology. If the legal ideology is presented as a complex mechanism of influence for the formation of certain behavior, propaganda is the means of operation of this mechanism, both in the activities of state structures and in the work of civil society institutions. It is emphasized that since the legal ideology is always tied to the results of the legal understanding of the world, the specific impact of the legal ideology is ensured by legal propaganda. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1 |
The problematic aspects of judicial protection of the rights of owners of residential premises during relocation from unsafe housing in the Russian Federation |
One of the most relevant and at the same time problematic areas of protection of housing rights in Russia is the protection of the rights of citizens during relocation from dilapidated and unsafe housing. The resettlement from the uninhabitable housing stock is one of the most important areas of the social policy of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the process of resettlement of citizens does not always and not in all subjects of the Russian Federation proceed without conflict and in compliance with the requirements of federal legislation. The rights of citizens are often violated by local governments responsible for their resettlement, which forces them to resort to judicial and other legal protection procedures. Theoretical analysis. The introduction of amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in terms of the introduction of part 8.2 of article 32 created legal uncertainty in understanding the development of housing legal relations over time and the content of the principle of retroactive effect of the law. In practice, this has led to numerous litigations between local governments, that insist on the need for direct application of this rule, and citizens who have acquired ownership of residential premises in houses recognized as unsafe and have lost the right to receive new housing instead of uninhabitable. Empirical analysis. It was revealed that the courts of the first appeal and cassation instances, when considering the same category of cases, apply the norms of part 8.2 of article 32 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in different ways. In some cases, the courts took the side of local governments, defining housing relations as continuing in time, others defended the positions of citizens who appealed to the facts of acquiring housing and including them in regional departmental resettlement programs before the relevant changes to housing legislation were made. An important role in eliminating uncertainty in judicial practice was played by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which, by its decision, confirmed the correctness of the positions of citizens. Results. The authors proposed the directions for improving the current housing legislation, which, according to their opinion, will ensure, among other things, the observance and protection of the rights of citizens. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1 |
Parliamentary control in the subjects of the Russian Federation: Problems of legal regulation and implementation practice |
Introduction. The development of the institution of parliamentary control in the Russian Federation actualizes the issues of achieving a balance of branches of government at the regional level and improving legal regulation in order to increase the effectiveness of the constitutional and legal mechanism to meet the interests and needs of residents of the respective regions. Theoretical analysis. At the present stage, there is a variety of forms of legal regulation of parliamentary control at the regional level, different legal models of its legislative regulation, characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages, are used. This determines the need to unify the conceptual and terminological apparatus of this institution, that reflects its essence and characteristic features, as well as the legislative consolidation of basic parameters, internal constitutive principles and procedures that ensure the inclusion of subjects of regional parliamentary control in the system of parliamentary control of the Russian Federation. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the legislative consolidation of procedural issues of the implementation of various forms of parliamentary control by regional parliaments indicates the conciseness of the relevant legal regulations, the planned nature of control procedures, the reproduction of the powers of the federal legislature at the regional level based on the results of verification activities with some expansion of such opportunities. The powers of a regional legislative authority based on the results of the exercised control, which are not provided for by similar norms of federal legislation on parliamentary control, can be differentiated into recommendations addressed to regional state structures, personnel decisions, initiating communications in the form of drafting a draft law of a subject of the Russian Federation, a draft federal law for its introduction by the legislative authority of a subject of the Russian Federation in the exercise of the right of legislative initiatives to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Results. The authors conclude that the legislation and practice of parliamentary control in the Russian regions need to be improved, which is aimed at detailing the legal regulation in this area and increasing effectiveness of its implementation. In this regard, the prospects for the adoption of the federal law “On general principles of parliamentary control in the subjects of the Russian Federation” are substantiated. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1 |
Restrictions on digital human rights to counter terrorism |
Introduction. Russian civil legislation takes into account innovations in information exchange by fixing the concept of digital rights, while giving them an exclusively private legal understanding. The modern doctrine proceeds from the fact that development of digital technologies has also significantly influenced the concept of fundamental human rights. Continuation of this vision is the emergence of digital rights in the public sphere. This actualizes the analysis of their possible limitations in order to counter terrorism. Theoretical analysis. The research reveals the consequences of the transfer of a significant amount of social relations to digital format. At the same time, while the general discourse of discussions stems from the principle of “normative equivalence” between “offline” and “online” (which does not require fundamental changes in law), the experience of the spread of digital technologies shows that it increasingly faces systemic failures. The authors indicate the difficulties with the definition of digital rights and their regulatory consolidation (by analyzing the regulations of the European Union). Empirical analysis. Based on the identified characteristics of digital communications, the paper presents the models for countering terrorist threats in modern cyberspace. The features of the legislative support of the Chinese model of the “Golden Shield”, based on the principles of digital sovereignty (in particular, the Law of the People’s Republic of China “On Data Security”), are shown. The authors highlight the features of imposing restrictions on the right to digital communication for persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities (in particular, on the basis of the Anti-Terrorism and Border Security Act adopted in 2019 in the UK) and consider other foreign experience in countering terrorist threats in the digital sphere. Results. The necessity of taking into account the technological features of information exchange in the digital space is demonstrated. This has a significant impact on the emergence of new measures to counter terrorism. Foreign experience testifies to the expansion of the list of operational and search measures, the list of elements of crimes of a terrorist nature. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1 |
Protection of Socio-Economic Rights of Citizens in the Activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and Mongolia |
The paper done comparative legal analysis of the protection of so‑ cio-economic rights of citizens in the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and Mongolia. The author reviews the Constitutional Court’s decision in both countries as one of the most important methods to protect social and economic rights of citizens. |
Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия «Экономика. Управление. Право», 2011, Т. 11, вып. 1 |
Constitutional Regulation of the Interaction of Federal Executive Authorities and Executive Bodies of Subjects of the Russian Federation |
Separation of powers in the Russian federal state requires the defini‑ tion of authority and competence of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation and federal entities. With the implementation of joint of powers must be interaction between the executive bodies of state power |
Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия «Экономика. Управление. Право», 2011, Т. 11, вып. 1 |
Substance and Subjects of Legal Policy in the Sphere of Foreign Economic Activities |
This article is devoted to a main point of Russian legal policy in the sphere of foreign economic activities. Main substance aspects of legal policy of this kind are considered, a list of its major subjects is pointed out as well as its definition is proposed. |
Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия «Экономика. Управление. Право», 2011, Т. 11, вып. 1 |