Peculiarities of the Present Stage of Realizing the Strategy of Import Substitution in the Agro-food Complex |
Introduction. Strategic management of competitiveness is especially actual in the conditions of globalization, uncertainty of environment, changing the conjuncture of the world food market. The paper explores the conditions and factors of the present stage of import substitution in the agro-food complex. Theoretical analysis. The paper shows the results and areas of studying the strategy of import substitution in the agro-food complex, the mechanisms of its support, and substantiates the short-term and long-term priorities. Results. Scientifically grounded are the prospects of realizing the strategy of competitive import substitution with the usage of methods of inter- branch management of the agro-industrial complex. The calculations of the full import capacity of production have been made. The monitoring of competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex and the data of expert survey have revealed the preferences and priorities of producers in the conditions of reciprocal Russian sanctions. |
Marketing Strategy as a Factor of Transfers and Commercialization of Technologies |
Introduction. The relevance of the problem of the transfer of intellectual property is determined by the feature of the present stage of scientific and technical progress. Under the technology transfer involve the transfer (sale, exchange) of knowledge in order to organ ize the production of competitive products conforming to market needs. Marketing support innovation enterprise is a basic condition for the successful implementation of intellectual property. In order to innovative technologies have led to economic success, it should be very attentive to the problems of formation and implementation of the marketing strategy of technology transfer centers in the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the theoretical basis of the formation of the marketing strategy of technology transfer centers in the Russian Federation, the necessity of their development. Results. Give the characteristic features and problems specific to the transfer and commercialization of innovative technologies in the modern world. The authors designed a mechanism for constructing marketing strategies of technology transfer centers. Conclusion. Transfer and commercialization of innovative technologies involves activation of a completely new strategic competences elements of innovation infrastructure.Thus, for the development of the national innovation system is necessary to increase the rate of transfer of innovative technologies, and these processes should be systematic. |
Номер журнала 586 |
Quality of Investment as a Factor of Reproductive Potential and Competitiveness of the Region |
Introduction. Further successful development of the Russian regions should be based on the strategy of modernization. Identification of the main problems of economic development of regions, especially investment, should be an important stage in the construction of this strategy. The methodology and results of the study is analysis of the extent and dynamics of indicators of investment activity in the regions, as well as the assessment of the level and quality of the use of the most important elements of their reproductive capacity required in determining the degree of implementation of the strategy of modernization. Theoretical analysis. The process for determining the effectiveness of investment activity at the regional level offered, and the rating of regions of the Russian Federation on key indicators of return on investment is made. Discussion of the results. The study found that some regions, occupying relatively high positions in the main macroeconomic indicators of gross product, have a number of problems in its investment development. Obstacle to the modernization of the economy of the Russian regions is their under- investment. As a guide the long-term development must be put as a goal to achieve and exceed the national average values. Also some measures the effective implementation of the reproductive potential of the regions offered. |
Номер журнала 553 |
The Question of How Endogenous Growth Conditions and Criteria Modernization |
Introduction. Food security in Russia, increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy on the world market is now becoming a driver of economic growth. Theoretical analysis. The article analyzes the theories of economic growth. Formulated conditions, factors and assumptions of technological modernization of the economy. The principles of the impact on ekonomiku- 5I. Discussion of results. In the framework of the theory of endogenous growth models and existing approaches are organized into groups. It is proved that the optimal point for Russian economic growth is the high-tech sector, who is at the stage of innovation development. Along with the existing traditional factors endogenous growth presents modern factors such as level of education, capital productivity, efficiency innovation, social development, inter- national trade, innovative management approaches. Based on the statistics of the World Bank formulated trends of the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, and Russia, Brazil, Nigeria. Proved the impact of investment in science in developed countries and in countries with an average level of intellectual capital on economic growth. |
Номер журнала 497 |
Введение. В современной экономике все большую актуальность приобретают вопросы, затрагивающие проблему повышения уровня конкурентоспособности современного предприятия. Кардинальное повышение общей результативности промышленного предприятия и его эффективности обусловлено детальным рассмотрением определенных факторов, оказывающих влияние на конечный процесс формирования конкурентных преимуществ. Управление данным процессом предполагает учет и влияние на деятельность предприятия всех заинтересованных участников. Предметом исследования выступает понятие «конкурентоспособность». Методы. В основу исследования был положен дедуктивный метод посредством анализа различных положений и синтеза разных подходов к понятию «конкурентоспособность». Результаты. Рассмотрение различных видов конкурентоспособности, уровней и факторов, влияющих на ее формирование, обосновывает тот факт, что такие факторы позволят современному руководителю нарастить конкурентный потенциал, развивая преимущества промышленного предприятия. В работе детализируется понятие «конкурентоспособность», рассматриваются основные компонентные элементы, которые образуют данную экономическую категорию. Заключение. Автором обозначено, что значительное повышение эффективности деятельности предприятия выступает как конечный результат процесса оптимизации управления конкурентоспособностью предприятия. Стремление многих руководителей современных предприятий достичь запланиро- ванного уровня конкурентного преимущества среди множества аналогичных предприятий подталкивает их к внедрению новых подходов к организации бизнес-процессов, применению про- грессивных методов управления и производства, ориентированных на непрерывное обновление производимой продукции. |
Номер журнала 370 |