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Definition of Quantity of Shots from Firearms – the Analysis of Existing Approaches and Theoretical Preconditions of the Solution of a Task |
In article recommendations available in literature about definition of number of shots from firearms are analyzed. On the basis of the experiments carried out by the author the contentious clauses demanding additional check are allocated. The research directions, allowing to receive more reliable recommendations are offered. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 3 |
Problematic Issues of Forensic Study of the Basic Parts of Firearms |
In the article shown that the actual task is to develop a forensic requirements and criteria which should satisfy the basic parts of firearms. Was shown that the condition of these parts should be such that they ensure the production of shot and normal interaction with other details of a particular model. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 3 |
Problems of the Firearm Identification |
This paper investigates the problem of identification of weapons in the traces of the firing pin on the primer with the marks of the production mechanisms, which were formed during the manufacture of ammunition. The studies used cartridges manufactured in Russia 9 Ч 19 mm with marking LVE LUGER. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 3 |
Identification of Firearms Laser Marks of the Barrel Bore |
The paper considers the possibility of using laser marking to identify the bore arms on the traces on fired bullets. The analysis of modes of laser processing of a trunk at which traces on the shot bullet can be recognized by suitable to identification, is executed on the basis of the spent experiments. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 3 |
Some issues of evaluating the influence of silent shooting devices on the formation of traces on fi red bullets and fi red cases |
Introduction. The growing number of military and civilian models of firearms equipped with muzzle devices actualizes the expert diagnostics of the facts of using silent shooting devices during committing crimes by their traces on the fi red bullets and fi red cases. Theoretical analysis. Science has identifi ed a number of regularities of the eff ect of silent shooting devices on the mechanism of formation and characteristics of traces on bullets and cartridge cases. Among them are the abrasion and smoothing of traces of the barrel bore on bullets, the formation of traces of the body of homemade silent shooting devices when they are misaligned with the barrel bore, the malfunction of the weapon’s automation, which excludes the possibility of displaying traces of the refl ector and the ejection port on the cartridge cases. Empirical analysis. In order to identify new regularities of infl uence of silent shooting devices on the formation of traces on bullets and cartridge cases, a model scientifi c experiment was conducted. Experimental shooting was conducted from .366 TKM smoothbore rifl es models VPO-209 (Paradox) and AK-366 (Lancaster). The PBS-1 with a rubber obturator of a strong degree of wear was used as a silent shooting device. Cartridges of two types were equipped with lead bullets in a polymer shell, gunpowder “Sunar 7.62” and “Falcon”. Results. It is determined that lead bullets of cartridges undergo characteristic deformation when passing the rubber obturator of the silent shooting device. The body of the bullets stretches and bends, in some cases takes a spindle shape. Cases of partial destruction of bullets have been noted. It is proved that the smoothing of the relief of the traces of the barrel bore, characteristic of the contact interaction of a bullet with a rubber obturator, as well as the additional formation of obturator traces on the bullets do not prevent the identifi cation of fi rearms. Conclusions. The identifi ed regularities expand the possibilities of forensic ballistic examination in determining the facts of the use of silent shooting devices while committing crimes. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2 |
Features of Detection of Handprints on Firearms and Cartridges |
Introduction. Firearms and ammunition are traditionally complex objects for fingerprint identification research. Theoretical analysis. The possibilities of modern laboratory methods for detecting handprints on firearms and ammunition are discussed. It is noted that the most effective method is the vacuum deposition of thin metal films, as well as cyanoacrylic acid esters in vacuum. Technology for producing powders. A method for producing silica gel, polystyrene and aluminosilicate powders using a “micromill” is described, and particle sizes of the powder are shown. Experiment. Experiments have been carried out to detect powders of silica gel, polystyrene and aluminosilicate of hand traces on firearms and cartridges for them. Discussion of results. It was determined that the optimal laboratory method for detecting handprints on firearms and ammunition for them is the detection of cyanacrylic acid esters in a vacuum, and silica gel, polystyrene and aluminosilicate powders are effective at the scene, with silica gel being the most suitable fingerprint powder for these purposes. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2 |
Current Issues of Forensic Investigation of Traces on Bullets and Cartridge Cases Formed During the Shot of Civilian Firearms Manufactured on the Basis of Combat Samples |
Introduction. This article deals with some issues of forensic investigation of civilian firearms manufactured based on combat samples: features of trace formation on bullets and cartridge case design changes of the original models (samples) of the firearms. The authors highlight the problem of the lack of a literary base and illustrative material, necessary for carrying out diagnostic research of traces on bullets and cartridge cases formed when fired from civilian firearms manufactured on the basis of samples of military weapons. Theoretical analysis. The paper analyzes data of weapons factories, as well as weapons they produce. The authors focus on the necessary terms and examples of the weapon, the design of which was modified and is different from the sample combat weapons. The paper looks at the main provisions of some normative and legal acts of the Russian Federation. Results. The authors identified the groups of traces, formed after firing redesigned weapons, and the place of the location on the surface of bullets and casings. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2 |
To the Question of the Formation of the Gilzoteks of Smoothbore Firearms Service and Hunting Weapons |
Introduction. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for the test shooting of smooth-bore weapons by law enforcement agencies. There are no catridge-cases repository of smoothbore weapons because of low criminalistic information, which, in turn, makes it difficult to investigate crimes committed using this type of firearm. The report considers the possibility of introducing catridge-cases repository of registered smooth-bore weapons. Conceptual possibilities for implementing this solution are described. Theoretical analysis. The developed forensic markers are offered as one of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project for the creation of catridge-cases repository of smoothbore weapons. The considered system of ballistic marking of cartridge cases of smoothbore firearms civilian and service weapons, which is intended for the rapid (operative) establishment of the number copy of the weapon from which it was shot, followed by the identification of weapons by private criminalistic features. Empirical analysis. Experimental studies with forensic markers made using various technical methods have been carried out, and criteria for their effectiveness have been analyzed, which, in an identification study, can identify individualizing criminalistic features. The possibilities of forensic identification of tracks on the cartridge case reflected from forensic markers are examined with the aim of establishing by law enforcement agencies a specific specimen of smooth-bore registered weapons. Results. By introducing criminalistic markers at the legislative level, law enforcement agencies have the opportunity to create a base for criminalistic catridge-cases repository of smoothbore registered weapons, which will increase the effectiveness of investigating crimes using this type of firearm. |
To the Question of the Legalization of Civilian Handguns in Russia |
Introduction. In the article the possibility of introduction to legal turnover of short-barreled civil firearms is considered. Prerequisites and the imminent problems of society are described, the possibility of introduction of short-barreled civil weapon for his use by citizens for self-defense is considered, at the controlled and directed nature of process of legalization from law enforcement agencies and according to the tactical and technical and criminalistic requirements to this type of weapon agreed by them. Theoretical analysis. The purposes and tasks for which solution it is supposed to introduce short-barreled civil firearms into legal turnover are considered. The developed tactical and technical and criminalistic requirements as one of necessary conditions for consideration and coordination of the project on legalization of short-barreled civil weapon of self-defense are offered. Empirical analysis. The ballistic experiments showing criteria of efficiency of this type of weapon for assessment of opportunities his use by citizens for self-defense are made. Kinetic and specific energy of the striking elements is calculated. Results. Introduction of the concept on legalization of short-barreled civil firearms of self-defense in the territory of the Russian Federation the citizen with effective weapon for ensuring necessary self-defense, will allow to solve problems of providing with low probability of causing at its application and influence by a shell on the person of a lethal outcome. The possibilities of ballistic identification of short-barreled smooth-bore weapon for the purpose of establishment by law enforcement agencies of a concrete copy and its owner on criminalistic traces on a bullet and a sleeve are considered. |
Problems of Ensuring Compliance of Technical Characteristics of Civil and Office Firearms to Criminalistic Requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia |
Introduction. Problematic issues of providing the criminalistic requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia imposed to firearms are considered in work. A sometimes weapons does not provide formation on the shot bullets and cartridge cases of the traces suitable for identification. Absence of any standards or specifications on a roughness of a relief of surfaces of the details forming traces is to it the reason. In addition, arms manufacturers poorly represent modern methods and technical means of identification of the weapon. Experimental part. In work the reasons of formation of traces on the shot bullets and shot cartridge cases not suitable for identification of the weapon are analyzed. Cases where the identification of the weapons on the striker traces is impossible due to the design of shells hunting cartridges are shown in the article. The negative influence of the production of primers traces at identifying of weapons on firing pin traces is quickly studied. Conclusion. Forensic requirements for identification of the weapon can be most effectively provided at close scientific and technical cooperation of the arms manufacturers and scientists specializing in area of judicial identification of the weapon. |