About the Modeling of the Shared Structure of Finances Using the Minimax Criterion of Laboriousness |
Introduction. Being one of the main parts of financial management, good bonuses for the employees will lead to a stable business development. This is particularly relevant issue for service businesses, where the business is built on competent staff and their material interest in improving the quality of services is the possibility to the prosperity of the business. When financial manager analyzes sources of bonus payments to employees, it is necessary to rationally justify the current size and the standard premium for each employee and different groups of workers. This article proposes a new method for funding of bonus pool, which allows the assessment of the distribution structural component of equity premium payroll for several categories of workers with fundamental differences in productivity. Methods. A new method of modeling and rationalize the equity structure of the funding of the bonus pool workers of different categories using the minimax criterion of quality. Apply methods of cluster analysis, in particular, the grouping method and the normalization clusterizing data. Provides step-by-step algorithm of recommended actions to rationalize premium payments. Results. A new mathematically grounded approach to the rationalization of the bonus Fund, which allows to consider both the psychological characteristics of decision-makers employer and the rationalistic position by applying as estimated negative for groups bonuses not only traditional indicators of labor, but also individual characteristics, endurance, productivity, new ideas. Also have the option of structuring costs in the analysis groups «superior – subordinate» given increased responsibility first. Conclusion. Developed a new approach that allows for the rationalization of premium payments in any enterprise, especially relevant for enterprises, where workers receive wages as percentage of revenue, and differentiate rates for various categories of employees is quite difficult |
Номер журнала 586 |
The Model of Determining the Royalty Rate when Using Natural Resources |
Introduction. The article reveals the essence of the concept of «royalty», the analysis of existing methods of assessing royalties are their advantages and disadvantages. Since the method of determining the royalty rate, its objectivity and independence play a big role in the whole process of nature, as an instrument of change in the yield of the process. All this determines the relevance of the conducted research. Author of the problem complexity, the lack of input information, as well as large errors in the results of classical methods of assessment royalty rate, is proposed to solve it through the use of fuzzy inference. The aim of the article is theoretical development and practical implementation of the model estimating the royalty rate under the valuation of intellectual property in the use of natural resources. Methodology. The author builds a fuzzy model of the determination of royalty rates with a similar justification of the choice of linguistic variables based on correlation and regression analysis and the method of analysis of hierarchies. Also the author of the substantiation of the method of constructing a database of control rules. Result. The result of the practical application of the model developed by authors is presented in the example of determining the royalty rate in the extraction of raw materials in the construction industry (its size was 6,9%). This example serves as a basis for determining the error model, which is 13,8% (classic models are error 25–30%). Conclusion. It is shown that the use of fuzzy model allows more accurate (with no scope) to determine the royalty rate for a specific license agreements. The author emphasizes that the presented model is part of the model for evaluating intellectual property rights in the use of natural resources. Such models are used when evaluating cost approach and serve as a basis for determination of charges for use of natural resources (particularly fossil fuels), and damages arising during operation. |
Номер журнала 586 |
Formation of Cross-functional Logistics Coordination Through the Use of the Principles of System Analysis |
Introduction. The main task of cross-functional and interorganizational logistics coordination in the implementation of flow control is to reduce the time required to perform the full logistics cycle. The emergence of the lack of coordination in the implementation of cross-functional and inter-organizational logistics coordination leads to violation of terms of delivery and increase downtime. The reason for this lies in the lack of elaboration of theoretical and practical issues of coordination of actions of participants of logistic processes as at the enterprise level (cross-functional level) and at the level of the supply chain (inter-organizational level). The article presents the guidelines for the implementation of the design and functioning of cross-functional and inter-organizational logistics coordination, based on a differentiated approach to the analysis of the logistics system of the global economy. Empirical analysis. The process of constructing the model coordinate the flow of logistics system of the global economy is based on the delimitation of monitoring processes, goals, objectives, coordination activities on three levels: the macro-level (Macro-HP/country), meso-level (meso-HP/supply chain), the micro-level (Micro-HP/ enterprise). Discussion of results. The result developed by the authors of guidelines is to provide flow control using a model of logistic system of the global economy, reducing the time required to carry out coordination activities on cross-functional, and the inter-organizational levels. |
Номер журнала 586 |
Key Strategies for Retail Chains Today |
Introduction. At present, the functioning of the Russian trade networks that implement food products, significantly complicated by the negative impact of the food embargo, inflation and the weake- ning of the ruble. Changing environmental factors and increased competition in the food market have a significant impact on the previously established logistics system of goods retail chains, which will require substantial transformation. Empirical analysis. The article discusses possible strategies for the development of retail chains and features of management at this stage in order to overcome the situation. In the coming years, large retail chains will reduce costs by optimizing the assortment and logistics, actively cooperate with new suppliers, to develop the format «shop at home» and «Express-Retail», continuing to open new stores at the free trade area, to develop their own production. For smaller retail chains most preferred strategy is to integrate. Results. Integration of small retail chains at the present stage is one of the most profitable strategies that will produce the transformation of logistics systems and supply chains in order to optimize them according to the selected format and minimizing costs, reorganize infrastructure and retail outlets, adjust range retail outlets, significantly reduce the proportion of imported products, they find an alternative replacement and rebuild relationships with suppliers and reduce the cost of managing a sales network due to its centralization. |
Номер журнала 586 |
Evaluation and Selection of Options Logistics Development Given the Uncertainty |
Introduction. At the moment when, any activity carried out under conditions of risk and systematically growing uncertainty, consideration of alternatives evaluation of logistics systems becomes a priority, which determines the objective necessity of search tools and algorithms implementation process make effective management decisions aimed at the development of the system in line with the target settings. Theoretical analysis. The uncertainty of the environment is manifested in its ability to be in one of a plurality of different states, as determined by destabilizing factors influencing parameters and status logistics system. Posed problems can be solved with the help of game theory, tools which allow you to select options for rational solutions and ways of development that is aimed at the realization of the growth potential of the logistics system and the achievement of its target plants. The criteria by which selected decisions under uncertainty, depends on the degree of uncertainty of information about the environment. Results. The result of the proposed algorithm select the option to develop the logistics system is the choice of the optimal strategy under uncertainty using the criteria of Laplace, Savage, Hurwitz Wald and evaluating various aspects of the effectiveness of management decisions in the most satisfying real conditions. |
Номер журнала 586 |
Сoncept of Formation and Achievements Long-term Competitive Advantages of Industrial Enterprise |
Introduction. In modern conditions one of the perspective directions of management of competitive advantages of the industrial enterprises is based in the sphere of management of economic resources of the company. Theoretical analysis. In article modern models of resource management are considered and analyzed: lean production (LP), theory of constraints (TOC), resource – based view (RBV). The idea of creation of «the evolving opportunities» (evolving capabilities) – system abilities of the enterprise to organizational changes locates. Results. Need of creation and the continuous analysis of the system of dynamic abilities acting as base of key competences of the enterprise is considered and proved, communication of effective management of resources and successful realization of the conceptual purpose «quality – expense – delivery» is shown. |
Номер журнала 586 |
Principles of Project Investment Method of Innovation Activity |
Introduction. At present, the development of a modern economy of the country is impossible without investing in innovation. The role of innovation in the economy increases every day, and one investment project method and the basic methods of investment, which will help Russia to overcome all the new frontiers of economic development. Theoretical analysis. The article deals with the analysis and design method of investing innovation and detail all the principles of the method. Result. Based on the different perspectives of the authors about the project method and its investment principles identified strengths and weaknesses of this method. According to the results of the research project method investment innovation were identified strengths of this method and can say with full confidence that the use of the design method of investing in the Russian Federation will promote the growth of innovative activity in the country and boosting the economy of the country as a whole. |
Номер журнала 586 |
Marketing Strategy as a Factor of Transfers and Commercialization of Technologies |
Introduction. The relevance of the problem of the transfer of intellectual property is determined by the feature of the present stage of scientific and technical progress. Under the technology transfer involve the transfer (sale, exchange) of knowledge in order to organ ize the production of competitive products conforming to market needs. Marketing support innovation enterprise is a basic condition for the successful implementation of intellectual property. In order to innovative technologies have led to economic success, it should be very attentive to the problems of formation and implementation of the marketing strategy of technology transfer centers in the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the theoretical basis of the formation of the marketing strategy of technology transfer centers in the Russian Federation, the necessity of their development. Results. Give the characteristic features and problems specific to the transfer and commercialization of innovative technologies in the modern world. The authors designed a mechanism for constructing marketing strategies of technology transfer centers. Conclusion. Transfer and commercialization of innovative technologies involves activation of a completely new strategic competences elements of innovation infrastructure.Thus, for the development of the national innovation system is necessary to increase the rate of transfer of innovative technologies, and these processes should be systematic. |
Номер журнала 586 |
Management of Limited Innovative Resources of the Industrial Concern Based on a Non-manipulable Support Mechanisms of the Decision-making |
Introduction. One of the key factors of innovation activity of industrial concern in modern conditions is the use of information and cognitive technologies. As part of the author’s theory of economics active Connection have the opportunity to make effective management decisions for a balanced allocation of scarce resources, innovative industrial concern among enterprises, in its composition. Theoretical analysis. This article discusses some aspects of the balanced allocation of scarce resources, innovative industrial concern among enterprises. The author’s solution to this problem on the basis of non-manipulable mechanisms to support decision-making decision- makers. It is proved that under certain conditions, in particular when not transferable utility, optimal decision-making processes in economic systems must be sought in the class of non-manipulable mechanisms. It is shown that the current problem of the distribution of scarce resources well studied as a problem of individual decision- making, but in practice has not been studied from the point of view of the problem as a problem of collective manipulability and mixed decision-making, while the likes of her performances are highly relevant to modern practice under sanctions restrictions Russian industrial concerns on the part of the governments of the EU and the US. Results. The scientific concept of the balanced allocation of scarce resources, innovative industrial concern among its enterprises describes the overall technology adoption managerial decisions, formulate a mathematical model of the mechanism of decision-making decision-maker to industrial concerns and define conditions feasibility of non-manipulable mechanisms of planning, in particular, in a transferable utility. The evaluation of the developed decision support system based on a mathematical model of a balanced allocation of scarce resources among innovative enterprises in the framework of the application of non-manipulable planning mechanisms. |
Номер журнала 553 |
Study of Rail Transport on the Basis of Historical Time Series |
Introduction. Significant territorial space of Russia Federation determined the special place of rail transport for the economic development of the country, so the bulk of the goods in the country is transported by rail. An important role in assessing the condition and prospects of development of rail transport plays an analysis of the historical time series of indicators of passenger and freight traffic. Methods. In this paper, using statistical and econometric methods analyzed historical time series of indicators of passenger and freight railway transport for the period from 1956 to 2012 and presents a forecast for the period up to 2015. Results. The analysis showed the absence of a general trend in the historical time series of indicators of passenger and freight traffic. In such cases, to describe the trends may not apply analytical alignment and should use self-correcting recurrent patterns that characterize the time-varying, dynamic properties of a number of speakers, take into account the value of the previous levels, and provide an opportunity to get a fairly accurate predictions of future levels. Under the influence of the prevailing socio-economic conditions, the dynamics of the performance of rail transport in the forthcoming period will have moved in different directions: turnover in the forecast period is increase and pass-turnover is decrease. |
Номер журнала 553 |