
Economic Reasonability of Outsourcing a Food Manufacturing Enterprise's Canteens as a Part of the Crisis Management

The article covers the problem of options to restructure a non-core asset (a canteen) as a part of crisis management. this problem is topical for many enterprises of food industry since the distinctive features of some of them (e.g. large number of employees, remote location, enterprises's own canteen) do not allow to cancel food supply for emploуеes at the expence of employer.

Problems and Prospects of Domestics Industrial Export Extension

The paper considers major problems of domestics industrial export development in contemporary conditions of evolution of international division of labors. The necessity of domestic exports by increasing the share of industrial output. The theoretical proposals backed by statistical data characterizing features of the development of domestic exports. The main directions of domestic industrial export stimulation are offered. 

Corporate Culture of Restaurant Chains

The article describes the corporate culture of restaurant chains in Russia, and the main elements of the corporate culture. Formulated impact of corporate culture on the management processes restaurant chains operating under a franchise agreement.

Economic Mechanism of Managing the Regional Service Sector

The pace of development of the service sector needs the thorough study of the mechanisms of managing this particular segment of national economy. The authors of the article characterize the economic mechanism of managing service sector and describe the techniques and tools of management.

Cross-functional Process-oriented Concept of Controlling the Management of Commercial Organizations

In the last few years in Russia both on theoretical and practical levels increased significantly to controlling interest as a fundamentally new approach to the management of an enterprise, regardless of the type and scope of its activities. In this regard, the concept of the relationship issues of process-oriented management in business organizations become even more important. The paper summarizes the available scientific theory and understanding of controlling how a certain process, presented author’s treatment of controlling, as independent complex cross-functional process-oriented management concept.

Characteristics and Directions of Improvement of the Bord of Directors Activity in Russian Corporations

The paper is about problems and essential characteristics of the board of directors in Russian corporations. The author offers directions of improvement of the board of directors activity according strategy and control functions; advise to improve professional and personal qualities of directors, change an order of the work, and to improve the control and recompense system of the directors.

Marketing Loyalty Programs in Management Small and Medium Size Business

This article analyzes the existing marketing loyalty programs in modern management, identifying trends in this direction in the management of small and medium businesses. The author describes the advantages of modern loyalty programs, offering their separation according to different criteria and systematic approach to their implementation, algorithms and stages of building loyalty programs with options for companies to implement them.

About the Management of the Pension Accumulation Taking into the Risk’s Control

Introduction. To stably receive a high enough retirement in the future, the individual should early start to make pension savings and efficiently and deliberately be engaged in pension schemes not only to return but also to increase his/her savings. For this, pension savings schemes should be analyzed from the viewpoint of personal preferences and effective interest rates, and the risks of possible losses due to the activity of pension funds should be taken into account. The aim of this work is to develop recommendations for the individual to play an active role in the management of his/her pension savings and offer a mathematically-based model for making decisions on the structure of savings. To achieve this object, a version of pension savings is considered on the basis of preliminary analysis of pension funds’ performance indicators and making decisions on entering pension schemes by comparison of the investment risk (due to instable financial indicators) and the effective interest rate of the pension scheme selected. Methods. A number of new mathematical models of pension schemes and a new method of pension savings optimization on the basis of the uniform distribution of the risk of investment are proposed. Results. A model example of pension savings is provided with the account of the equitable distribution of the investment risk in three funds. Conclusion. To reduce risks, the participant himself can manage his/ her savings portfolio, entering several pension funds simultaneously and taking into account his/her assessments of profitability and risks. For this, it is desirable to develop an investment risk estimation system. It is advisable to take an appropriate effective interest rate as the profitableness of a pension scheme. The work presents a mathematical model for the management structure of pension savings and demonstrates its application. The obtained solution on the structure of savings can remain unchanged for a number of years, and may vary by reviewing main parameters and indicators of the risk of pension schemes.

University as a Driver of Economic Development of the Region: Challenges and Prospects

Introduction. Regional university can be considered one of the key elements for building a regional economic development strategy. This article is devoted to regional university’s long-term development in modern environment. Theoretical analysis. In the context of «triple helix model» the network nature of the interaction between the participants of the innovative process is especially important. Today Russian universities are facing such challenges as urgent need of high-qualified graduates, investments, improvement of educational methods, creation and rapid development of university’s infrastructure, changes in ethic standards etc. Empirical analysis. Cooperation between business, government and universities is a burning issue. This is determined by drastic changes in the employers’ demands of graduates’ abilities, lack of universities’ public funding and the call for new off-budget financial sources. Results. Regional universities are supposed to take a proactive position in regional economy and to become the leaders of future innovations. The forthcoming changes should improve and reorganize the present system of regional higher education. The presumptive features of the new system should be the following: profound cooperation between university management, business and government, meritocratic approach, application of innovative educational techniques and teaching methods. This is to become the foundation of the highly efficient functioning of the universities and regional innovative development on the whole.

Improving the Assessment of Innovative Activity of Small Business

Introduction. To assess the efficiency of the state policy on the support and development of small innovative business, a corresponding system of evaluation indicators and indices should be designed. To solve this problem, the paper proposes a number of new indicators to characterize the innovative activity of small business on the basis of the expense–output indicator ratio of innovation activity and the dynamics of these indicators. Theoretical analysis. The formation of an effective national innovation system is impossible without solving the most urgent problems of ensuring a sufficient level and rate of the development of small innovative business. Significant efforts from the authorities, business, and society are made towards its development and comprehensive support in the innovation-developed countries. Methods. Special monitoring of the innovation activity of small business is carried out in the Russian Federation. Commercial organizations being subjects of small business are to submit Form 2-MP, regardless of the kind of ownership of every business entity. The determining criteria are the number of employees and the fixed capital structure. Results. A new approach to the innovation activity evaluation of small and medium businesses at both macrolevel and mesolevel is proposed in the paper on the basis of comparison of the rates of change of the resulting indicators of the innovative activity of enterprises with the rate of change of indicators of the expenses for innovative activities. Conclusions: the approach developed allows evaluating the impact of the state’s efforts of increasing the innovative activity of small and medium businesses in its dynamics.
