
Management of Quality Services Catering

Quality management is a core function of public service enterprises of the service industry. First of all, to improve the quality of service caterer is a means to achieve and maintain competitiveness. In Russia, the attention to quality management in the restaurant business is increasing due to the development of restaurant chains. Quality control services based on planning and customer satisfaction – one of the main criteria of economic prosperity catering. Theoretical analysis. Based on the generalization of the existing Russian and international standards provides definitions of catering services, quality of service, highlighted the benefits of the implementation of international standards, the main areas in the organization of the quality of customer service based on ISO standards. Discussion of results. The result of the study is to identify the most significant for the provision of foodservice principles of TQM, the allocation of requirements for quality of service in accordance with international practice, the recognition of the standards for well-functioning corporate culture and used as the control functions of the program mystery shopping.

The Approaches to the Analysis of the University Influence on Regional Development

The contribution of universities to the generation of innovation and knowledge transfer, the economic development of the region and the country at the regional level is seen as essential to innovation-based growth, so compiling the classification of the main approaches to the analysis is the actual impact. Theoretical analysis. Depending on the approaches used all methods of analysis of the impact of the university on innovative regional development is subdivided into quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as empirical and theoretical methods of economic knowledge. From this perspective, the article provides an overview of few methodologies for analyzing of universities impact in region development, such as methodology of I. A. Mayburov, the methodology of the OECD project «Review of the role of universities in regional development», an integrated model of multifunctional and multi-level participation of universities in regional development in the context of the needs of the region by O. V. Perfilieva, techniques to analyze the experience of interaction existing federal universities with relevant regions of Russia O. V. Perfilieva and T. A. Meshkova, as well as methods of assessing the development of higher education at the regional level by constructing the ratings of subjects of the Russian Federation. Results. Creating mechanisms to identify and monitor trends in the development of education indicators by region provides an opportunity to assess the university’s contribution to the development of the region and to develop assessment tools and models predict the effects of national research universities on the innovative development of the regions.

Methodical and Technological Aspects of Application of Regional Management’s Innovative Tools for Management of Region’s Natural Resources Potential

In the article conceptual model of regional management tasks solution based on the spatially-distributed data using functional and analytical capabilities of commercial GIS packages is developed, principles and methods of application of Geographic information system of natural resources potential (GIS of NRP) for tasks solution of management of region’s natural resources potential are justified. Methods. Considering the high proportion of spatially distributed data in information support of regional management, Geographic information systems provide the most appropriate tools for automated operation with such information, which are the integration environment that allows combining and systematizing streams of information about region’s social-ecological-economic system. Results. In modern conditions automated information-analytical system (IAS) is the basis of planning and management system of region’s social-ecological-economic system, IAS of natural resource potential should be an important part of such information system. The analysis of GIS of NRP capabilities reveals that they are not limited by evaluation of the value of natural-resource potential of the region. Structure disclosure of natural resource potential, revelation of regularities and factors of its spatial differentiation carried out on the basis of GIS of NRP offer great opportunities for it application for management of region’s natural resource potential in view spatial differentiation of its factors. Conceptual model of regional management tasks solution, as well as justifyed principles and methods of GIS of NRP’s application for tasks solution of management of region’s natural resources potential can be used for forming of an effective system of management of natural resources in the region that will allow to work out a behavior strategy of public authorities for environmental management and sustainable development of the region.

The Investment Climate in Russia and Its Impact on the Investment Activities of Companies of the Fuel and Energy Industry

 More than 10 years the Government of the Russian Federation has addressed the issue of improving the investment climate. Inspite of it, the investment climate in the country remains poor, and the rating of investment attractiveness of the Russian Federation has a negative trend. Theoretical analysis. Investment activity of energy companies is associated with many problems associated with both the organization and planning of the process within the organization and the interaction with all external involved actors, including the issues of required attracting external funding. Results. Measures to encourage foreign direct investment do not have a practical nature and do not solve the basic problems: corruption, poor infrastructure, lack of tax benefits, and political risks. Against this background, taking into account the increased political risk in oil and gas projects with the participation of foreign capital is negligible. Rating of investment attractiveness of the Russian Federation has a negative trend. Conclusions. At the moment, the measures taken by the Russian government to improve the investment climate do not lead to the desired results. This trend is related to the lack of actual change in support of investment processes, as well as the lack of an integrated program to stimulate foreign direct investment. As the professional environment responds only the specific facts supporting the changes, foreign direct investment has not changed. Under such conditions the public investment are particularly important. The effectiveness of public investment becomes the determining factor in the development of the economy in the current decade.

The Analysis of Models of Formation of Tariff Policy on Services of Seaports

The most complex problem of regulation by port services is definition of methodological approaches to establishment of tariffs for services in transfer of freights in ports. The most part of existing methods of formation of tariffs for services of seaports or isn’t suitable for practical realization in all ports of Russia, or actually brings much less benefits, than it was expected. One of the reasons of these tendencies is covered in lack of a uniform optimum method which promptly would cut expenses of seaports. In article value of formation of an effective method and tariff setting model in seaports is considered. Methods. Methods and tariff setting models in seaports represent various receptions and ways by means of which the enterprises of sea transport realize the purposes set by it and the chosen strategy of tariff setting. With a certain policy of tariff setting a certain model is inherent in each concrete enterprise, each of which possesses a number of positive and negative sides. It is possible to carry the following models to the most actual models: vertically integrated, model of independent producers of the port services, competitive model. The essence of each of the considered models of formation of a tariff gives the chance to identification of the most favorable conditions for development of uniform optimum model of formation of a tariff and method of calculation of cost of loading and unloading works. Results. Result of this work is the detailed analysis of the most actual models of formation of a tariff for services of seaports, identification of their positive and negative sides that is necessary for development of the uniform model, applicable Russia in all seaports.

Nanomаnagement in a System of the Personnel Management

In the modern economy the role of human being, intellectual and creative person, as a carrier of knowledge, is increasing rapidly. In such conditions most of classic methods of personnel management are out of date now and don’t correspond with new trends. And for the achievement of one’s own success and increasing of the efficiency of enterprise in whole, it appears the persistent relevance to investigate the staff management system from the point of control of vital interests of each person. Theoretical analysis. In this work the systematic approach of Human resource management studying (HRM) was applied, as well as were applied statistical and graphical methods, questionnaire design, analysis and synthesis. One of the directions of economic science, called Nanomanagement as a HRM unit is revealed and the principal trends of the development of Nanomanagement in the area of data exchange are determined. Empirical analysis and results. On that basis the most effective individual labor cycle of worker is determined. It is shown that one person, being a subject of business carrier management, is able to structure his own living space and to determine his aims and look for their solutions, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise in whole. Conclusions. The necessity of group educational processes in creative environment during all human’s life Is proved.

From Managament to «Managament»: Signs of the Inefficient Manager

In practical plan problem efficient management stand much sharply, but most острее given problem is felt, when manager not effectively realizes its activity, showing high results at maximum of the expenses. In article is offered use the functional approach to determination sign not efficient manager. Theoretical analysis. In Russian managerial system результативность is opposed to efficiency and зачастую her and is substituted that is conditioned national менталитетом and brings about not rational draft on funds for the sake of result. Methods. For revealing sign inefficient manager author offers to analyze main, auxiliary and specific functions of the leader and degree of their execution. Discussion of results. The Result offered functional approach to determination sign not efficient manager is a discovery stiletto governing the manager, who is not efficient, have little to do with syntheses of the science and art of management.

Сhange of Interaction «Organization – the Person» in the New Model Organizational Behavior

The changes in the external and internal environment of the organization, the emergence of new organizations, new management paradigms and knowledge of human behavior necessitates the development and practical implementation of new models of organizational behavior. In a dynamic external environment can be effective organizations applying new behaviors that have changed the nature of the interaction «organization – the person» and «organization – the environment». Theoretical analysis. Оn the basis of summarizing the existing theoretical studies on the economic behavior of the organization in the article defined the behavior of the organization in an uncertain market environment, revealed its contents, system factors, as is the new models of organizational behavior is the organizational culture. Discussion of results. Result of the conducted research is identification the characteristics of the interaction of «organization – the person» in the new models of organizational behavior, which involves not only and not so much the implementation of the physical abilities of workers, as the realization of their personal qualities, intelligence, creativity and mental strength. In the new models of behavior is formed organizational culture, people-oriented, the basic values which are egalitarianism and respect for the individual, mutual trust, team work, organization development through personal development that enables an organization to survive in the long term.

Long-term Planning of Innovative Development Mezoeconomic Level as a Factor of Formation of Innovative Strategies of Industrial Enterprises

Innovative  strategies  in industrial  enterprises  play an  important role  in implementing and maintaining a continuous  process of innovation. Currently improving innovative development for most  industrial  enterprises  is  an  important means of  maintaining  their activity  in developed areas and expansion into new directions.  Goals and objectives.  Long-term planning of innovative development mezoeconomic level serves  as  the basis for the development of projects  of medium-term programs of social-economic development of the industrial enterprises  of the Saratov  region, the medium-term financial plans,  innovative projects  and other documents for  companies. R esearch  methodology.  For industrial enterprises  strategy combines  the long-term objectives  and planned results,  as  well  as  the methods,  techniques  and tools to achieve these  goals,  solve specific problems, as  well as  for the rational allocation of resources. Results. The result of the considered  the author of the dependence of formation of innovative strategies  directly at the enterprise  from the planning of innovative development at  the mezo  level is the creation of an enabling environment and effective infrastructure for the formation of the Saratov area  of modern high-tech economy and sustainable development of its investment-innovation model.  Saratov region has the necessary  potential for the rapid development of innovation sector of  the economy (availability  of  scientific  schools and advance  in  applied  research).  For  further  development  of  innovative  sector  of  the  region  provides  for  the  establishment  of  base  areas of high technology  and a network of regional centers of innovation development,  energy saving and increasing energy efficiency  of the regional economy based on innovative development.

Тhe Algorithm of Formation of Informational Cluster

Now cluster approach is one of the most effective ways of management of subjects of economy and their associations, allowing to gain synergetic effect. Theoretical part. Information cluster as a form of association of subjects of economy for the purpose of an increment of knowledge possesses distinctive characteristics that results in need of development of algorithm of education and functioning of information cluster taking into account specifics of functioning of this cluster and is more whole than its creation. Existing algorithms of formation of a cluster are focused on traditional forms of a clustering of economic subjects and in case of their application to information clusters, demand a specification taking into account as the general, and private specifics of a cluster. Results of research. Formation of information cluster can be conditionally divided into stages: preparatory (definition of opportunity and an assessment of expediency of formation of information cluster), the main (formation of model of information cluster), finishing (development of the mechanism of creation and cluster functioning). Conclusions. Realization of the offered algorithm will allow to create information cluster with the certain organizational and institutional structure which creation will be comprehensively proved, and functioning will be directed on achievement of the objectives of a cluster and its separate elements, increase of competitiveness of national economy and the region.
