
Modeling the dynamics of regional competitiveness risks

Introduction. To determine the strategic directions of regional development to increase competitiveness, it is necessary to rely on a systematic analysis of factors and risks, to use modern mathematical modeling tools. To construct dynamic models for assessing the risks of competitiveness, an approach based on the systems of Kolmogorov – Chapman diff erential equations for Markov processes is applied. Theoretical analysis. The article examines the method of applying the logical-probabilistic approach to assessing the risks of regional competitiveness. Empirical analysis. For a comparative assessment of the risks of competitiveness at the stage of preliminary data processing, cluster analysis was applied using a modifi ed k-means method. Based on the hierarchical system of regional competitiveness risks, the system of Kolmogorov – Chapman equations is formed. Dynamic assessment of competitiveness risks was carried out for three basic scenarios. Results. For a selected cluster of 33 Russian regions corresponding to a high level of socio-economic development, predictive estimates of the probabilities of critical events associated with risks of competitiveness were obtained using the example of a separate section. For optimistic, pessimistic and realistic scenarios, numerical assessments of competitiveness risks are obtained for various combinations of critical events. This made it possible to rank the regions by the probability of a decrease in the competitiveness of the regions in the medium term.

Ensuring national economic security: Scenarios for the coronacrisis exit

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a trigger mechanism for the deployment of a global economic crisis that has engulfed all countries of the world. The aim of the study is to analyze the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic as a global threat to the world’s largest economies. Theoretical analysis. Within the framework of the basic AD-AS model, variants L, V, N, W were modeled and possible scenarios for overcoming the crisis were considered. Empirical analysis. Anti-crisis measures and the main indicators of the economic security of China, the United States, Germany and Russia are analyzed. Based on international statistics, forecasts have been made to overcome the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus. Conclusion. It is concluded that ensuring national economic security depends on the scenario conditions for economic recovery, on the eff ectiveness of macroeconomic policy and risk management at the global level. 

Study of Consumer Behavior in the Selection of High-tech Products at the Regional Level

In the article the necessity of studying the behavior of the individual in selecting high-tech products, the output market innovation community. We propose an interdisciplinary approach to the study of consumer behavior in selecting high-tech products that appear on the market an innovative community at the junction of marketing, psychology, neurobiology. Theoretical analysis. The approaches to model the decision to purchase – as a consumer is able to make a purchase decision and how it takes on reality, systematized and classified the factors influencing its choice on the basis of regional differentiation of incomes. Results. Based on modeling and forecasting the demand for high-tech products between the patterns of influence on the human mind and the decision to purchase high-tech products.

Strategies to Improve the State Russian Investment Policy

The process of interaction between economic entities of the national investment system at any level takes place in the context of economic instability, which involves improving the regulation of the state investment policy. Theoretical analysis. Theoretical analysis on the basis of summarizing the existing theoretical research on investment and state regulation of investment policy article the measures to strengthen the investment is recognized principles of formation and implementation of federal target programs coming years in order to ensure the rational and efficient use of public investment, suggests priorities of state investment. Discussion of results. The result of the study is to identify the most relevant and significant for the modern Russian economy’s strategic directions to improve the State’s investment policy.

Modern Trends of Protectionism in Regulation of International Trade

The use of protective tools is one of the most important and controversial trends in foreign policy, especially in the formulation of economic policies in developing countries and countries with economies in transition in contemporary geo-economic transformations. Theoretical analysis. Based on the analysis of the theory and practice of protectionist regulation aimed at supporting the normal functioning of the national market mechanism under the presence in the global market economies with different efficiency and opportunistic features are highlighted and the reasons for the positive and negative consequences of the use of protectionism. The study of modern mechanism of protection in the context of the functioning of the WTO and the development of the global market led to the conclusion of the irreversibility of reducing import tariffs, which, however, does not preclude the temporary introduction of customs tariffs in developed countries in a quite high rates of import duties, which are widely used in the context of anti-dumping and countervailing investigations. In addition, the financial crisis, climate change and the requirements for food safety have led to the increased use of non-tariff instruments in the practice of protectionist regulations, which include technical barriers to trade, application of sanitary and phytosanitary standards. Conclusions. The study concluded that the need for protectionist instruments by developing countries including the country’s post-Soviet space, to achieve economic and social goals. In Ukraine, the protectionist tools are used primarily to achieve the traditional goals of protecting domestic producers and tariff regulation is carried out in accordance with WTO agreements, which gradually draws restrictions and support to certain limits: quantitative, time-bound and objectives. It thus minimizes the negative effects of protectionism in the development of national economies, global trade and consumer welfare of the global economy.

The Role of National Research Universities in Innovative Development of Regions

Innovative development of regions is caused by effective cooperation between state authorities, business, science, which helps to improve the conditions for innovations, and form a regional triple helix. A significant role in the innovation development of the regions is entrusted to the national research Universities, which carry out training of highly skilled personnel and conduct fundamental and applied scientific research. Theoretical analysis. The article determines the characteristic features of regional innovative development and its basis, that is the creation of a new institutional form of scientific and educational activities – a national research University. The hallmarks of the national research Universities are highlighted and actual problems of their development are defined. Results. The proposals, given by the author as the results of the investigation, are the following: to strengthen research work at the Universities; to create conditions for the investigation of teachers, graduate students and students activity, including formation of support centers for academic publications; to develop the infrastructure of innovation activity within national research Universities with the help of a database according to developed technologies; to create the expert-analytical departments and laboratories for quality improvement of research work. Conclusion. Increasing of cooperation between universities, state authorities and business, development of research activity of the universities, training of the teaching staff and students promote regional innovative development.

Problems and Perspectives of Innovative-technological Development of the Food Industry of Ukraine

The economical growth of any country is directly related to innovation and technological development of those of its branches which have significant potential for improving the competitiveness of the national economy. In conditions of growing food crisis in many countries around the world, the importance of consideration of the possibilities for the production of high-quality food to those countries which possess the necessary capacity for this. Theoretical analysis. Analysis of the reasons hampering innovation activity of food industry enterprises in Ukraine has shown that the most powerful reasons are: lack of adequate financial resources for the implementation of innovative projects, innovative high costs of technical and technological equipment and highly qualified staff wages, the lack of a guaranteed quick return on these costs. Results. The food industry is a strategic sector for the economy of Ukraine. However, the analysis showed that it still has not been able to go to the innovative development. Proof of this are the high rates of wear and tear means of labor, a low percentage of enterprises with innovative characteristics, low level of introduction resource-saving technologies, difficulties in attracting scientific and human resources, search for new ideas. The country’s economy, and in particular its food industry needs to find sources of financing of innovative projects, settlement mechanisms for the use of credit resources, the implementation of an effective system of tax exemptions. Effective lever of accelerating scientific and technological progress in this field may be the use of the experience of developed countries on strengthening the state’s role in the innovation process. Conclusion. Food industry of Ukraine is well positioned to enhance the role of Ukraine among food producers in the world. Priority task at this stage is to intensify innovation and the transition to a higher level of technology.

Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Logistics System Research

The globalization of the economy, intense competition in the markets, the complexity of patterns of interaction between market actors, accelerating scientific and technological progress, the desire to maximize sales suggests that the main purpose of management is now wrestling with uncertainty, risk minimization, and requires businesses to optimize all business processes. Theoretical analysis. Optimization approach in constructing a system for managing business processes of an enterprise should be expanded logistics approach, which would reduce the overall cost of their organization, enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of the company and to ensure the maximum possible gain in time. The author shows that the establishment and operation of those systems require cooperation and coordination of all the system elements with account taken of the influence of operating factors and variable parameters. Results. The result of applying the integrated simulation system built on the principles of logistics is to build an effective system of management capabilities, development and performance of the whole enterprise. The model of the logistics system submitted by the author shows interrelations between its components and subsystems and helps to adapt to changing external conditions with the use of mathematical tools.

Methods of Government Development of Services

Rationale of scientific approaches to the development of federal regulation of the service sector is the greatest difficulties in Russia as state policy until recently denied the need to intervene in this area. Methods. The development of the service involves the allocation of sectors and areas of activity, which, being socially relevant, require federal financial or regional financial help, and those that can evolve independently on the basis of entrepreneurial activity, but need a federal and state tax benefits. The methods proposed federal selective policy in the service sector. Conclusions. Development of targeted federal programs must be preceded by the selection of social policies that require this management approach. Necessary to carry out the federal target program for the development of the service industry, policy makers of the state in regard to this area, divide the service industry groups in the degree of social importance and the need for intervention by the federal and regional authorities in their functioning and work against them self-control techniques to develop leverage management to ensure normal reproductive process.

Information Factor of Supply Chains Reliability in the Machine-building Industry

Due to the growth of economy instability the problem of formation of supply chains which are characterized by high reliability is being made actual in the field of logistics. This issue gets special significance for machine-building enterprises as the modern mechanical engineering is one of the leading branches: more than 20% of the total amount of the Russian Federation industrial products is accounted for it. Methods. For studying of supply chains features within enterprises methods of economic and comparative analysis, SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique), as well as scientific modeling, scientific abstraction, the system analysis, cause and effect relationship were used. The application of the wide range of methods of research is directed to ensuring reliability of results of the carried-out analysis, adequacy of the developed recommendations. Results. The carried-out analysis of the organization and functioning of a supply chain in the machine-building enterprise characterized by the usage of SADT methodology has revealed a number of disadvantages: low level of reliability of logistic chain links, imperfection of the coordination mechanism of the chain subjects management, lack of sufficient information concerning the condition of stocks, disconjugacy and irrationality of logistic processes organization, abundance of reserves of reduction of expenses on all parts of supply chains. Conclusion. Logistic supply chains in the field of mechanical engineering are characterized by high dynamism which is connected with constantly changing requirements of the market. Due to this fact for rapid and adequate response to external and internal changes there is provided the introduction of the integrated information and computer complexes which are capable to provide reliability of production and marketing process in all supply chains.
