Analysis of Approaches to the Evaluation of Investment Attractiveness of Regions |
Introduction. The formation of the investment attractiveness of regions is a prerequisite for the innovative development of the country. Making decisions on investments depends on the regional environment conditions. Methods. The methods of rating by the Expert rating agency and the Forbes magazine are among the most popular ones of evaluation of the investment attractiveness of regions. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the methods by the indicators and information sources used. Results. Advantages and disadvantages of the techniques for making decisions on investments have been identified on the basis of a comparative analysis of the methods of the Expert rating agency and the Forbes magazine. Conclusion. Evaluation of the investment attractiveness of a region should cover the maximum range of factors and, at the same time, be understandable for investors. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
Analysis of Logistic Flows of Mashine Manufacturing |
Introduction. The globalization character of the Russian economy requires the design of an effective transport and logistic infrastructure. If a transport complex is provided with a rolling stock with the application of quantitative and qualitative characteristics, it determines the rendered logistic service level. The high level of the logistic service quality promotes the effective physical distribution of production. Purpose: to analyze the logistic flows of R&D results at mechanical engineering enterprises for management rationalization of the procurement activity of an enterprise. Methods. The authors used an information array of the condition of a transport complex. Its statistical processing on the basis of a logical method comprised the evidence base and allowed considering the situation on the vehicle market for the organization of transportations and development of the turnover of goods. Results. The procurement activity of the Russian transport complex was considered using such criteria as the owners of vehicles and market operators. The goods turnover structure is given. Factors used for forecasting of the railway vehicle flows for goods transportation are shown. Conclusion. Our analysis of R&D results in the sphere of transport mechanical engineering will form a basis for decision making on improvement of the purchases process with regard to the quantitative and qualitative requirements and the commercial interests of the vehicle owners. It will also allow designing optimal routes and a technology of goods transportation. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
Improving of Russian Economy Competitive by Forming Information Clusters |
Introduction. Knowledge and the subjects whose activity results in increased knowledge play an important role in the modern economy, including information clusters. Theory. The “competitive region — competitive state” relationship is often considered in the design of clusters. Analysis. The information cluster, allowing for its specificity, should be macroeconomic, considered at the country level. Results. The structure of a competitive economy, developed by the author, allows one to consider macroeconomic clusters as a basis to ensure and improve the country’s competitiveness and to consider competitive business entities as a framework determining the competitiveness of the region and the country. In today’s Russian Federation, the formation of clusters goes quite active, with the support of governmental agencies; however, the number of clusters is not high enough, many spheres of activity and regions being clustered poorly. Conclusions. Russian information clusters should be formed to promote a knowledge economy and an increase of knowledge to design a framework for improving the competitiveness of businesses, regions, and the country in the whole. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
Concept of Develop of the Informational And Analytical Centre in the National Reseach University |
Introduction. This paper is the concept of the development and implementation of information-analytical center under the National Research University. Theoretical analysis. The terms are specified and the theoretical aspects, the actual state of the information base SGU, the characteristics of the elements, the basic directions of work on the creation of information-analytical center are studying in this article. Empirical analysis. The article describes the algorithm of design and implementation of information-analytical center of the structure of higher education by the example of SGU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. It is concluded that the structural changes should start with a change in the information base, which has the following drawbacks: the lack of a genuine link between the process of learning and practice, and the lack of a common methodology for the collection and use of information processing. Conclusions. The solution to these problems would be creating of the information-analytical center in the SGU with specific functions and personnel structure. The article defines the goals, objectives and criteria of information-analytical center as a whole, the procedure for the formation and functioning of the algorithm. In particular, it is proposed the creation of a modular type, and create information modules correspond to the priority areas of the SGU. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
Analysis of the Factors Forming Customers Behaviour in the Retail Trade |
Introduction. «Customers behavior» is a broad notion including not only the process of buying the product (service, work) but customer’s behavior before buying and after it. Purchasing behavior is influenced by incentives and factors specific marketing policies in local sales of goods. Research methods. To determine the marketing strategy of retail trade company were monitored consumer preferences and evaluation of the quality of customer service in the two chain stores in Saratov in the summer of 2011 and 2012. The main me thod of data collection was a survey of over five hundred customers directly in stores. Discussion of results. The study identified factors choosing a store to make a purchase, the sources of information on the trading place, the purpose of visiting a particular store, shopping frequency, the estimation of the level of service, product range, design, sales area, the availability of goods for customers and the quality of each advertisement of the surveyed stores. Conclusion. Comparing the results of the evaluation of business retailers in 2011 and 2012, tt should be noted a positive trend in the estimates of the respondents. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
Optimizing of Selection of Public Procurement Vendor Based on the Risk Management Methodology |
Introduction. Under globalization, the current international political and economic relations, the Russian Federation is changing to a new state policy in the field of system modernization of public procurement. Theoretical analysis. The development of predominantly market-based mechanisms of regulation, liberalization of the economy along with degradation of the regulatory role of state governance structures lead to increased risks in public procurement. Individual problems and contradictions in the system of public procurement are due to the lack of proper methodological apparatus to estimate the effect of risk. Methods. As a result of our optimization statement of the problem of selection of an executor of public orders, an algorithm and a system of mathematical models of choice of potential suppliers considering the collective evaluation of the risk category are proposed. A distinctive feature of the proposed method is the use of techniques to allow for maximum relations among the basic elements in a risky situation (alternatives, the probability of achieving the result desired, uncertainty, the possibility of deviation from the intended purpose). Results. The proposed approach makes the necessary prerequisites for the establishment of effective barriers for fraud and incompetent agents to enter the system of public procurement, both as suppliers and customers, through our selection mechanisms developed. Conclusion. The future direction of development of the methodology seems to justify the qualification requirements for suppliers, including the availability of necessary professional and technical qualifications, financial resources, equipment, labor and other material resources for the execution of contracts, work experience. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
Spatial Analysis of Growth Rates of Cities Russia |
Purpose. We discuss the theoretical principles of the Zipf law for the distribution of cities. Empirical results. The results of the econometric analysis of the empirical Zipf's law on Russian census data for 1897 and 2010. As well as the results of the econometric analysis of the Zipf law separately for medium and large towns and cities and industrial communities with populations of less than 45,000 people. Results. Explores the idea of the Zipf law through the implementation of the law Gibrat. Analyzes the logarithms of the growth of urban growth of cities in Russia. The hypothesis tested in accordance with the rate of urban growth in their territorial connection. Ranked Moran's spatial autocorrelation coefficient on the growth rate of any city in Russia. Calculate the spatial autoregression Moran for twenty large Russian cities. In addition, to visualize the results of research are constructed spatial Moran scatterplot of the logarithms growth rates of Russian cities. Conclusion. Empirical studies have confirmed the distribution of Russian cities by the ratio of their rank and size, and spatial clustering of Russian cities in the rate of population growth. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
Statistical Research of Bank Crediting as Source of Investment of Rural Producers |
Introduction. The relevance of this research is caused by: i) the need to increase the role of bank crediting in the development of investment processes in the agro-industrial complex, ii) the necessity to build a system of crediting of agricultural producers on the basis of analysis of the differentiation of territorial-administrative formations in the region by agricultural production efficiency; iii) the lack of any comprehensive statistical research of the problems of bank crediting of agricultural producers. Objectives: statistical estimation of the volume, dynamics, structure of crediting of administrative-territorial formations in the region by the SberBank of the Russian Federation; ii) statistical analysis of the factors affecting the volume of crediting and the quality of borrowers (their liquidity and probabilistic risk assessment); iii) the formation of a purpose structure in the crediting client search system. Results. In the study, some statistical regularities of the crediting dynamics of the Russian Federation SberBank regarding the manufacturers of various types of agricultural products have been revealed and a quantitative assessment of these regularities is provided on the basis of our sample survey of the credits given in the Orenburg region. The scientific novelty of the statistical study of rural producer crediting as a most important source of investments is in the suggested algorithm of decision-making on crediting in the conditions of both external and internal uncertainties of getting products; a probabilistic assessment and forecasting of the liquidity of a crediting object; a purpose tree required for a client search control system of bank crediting. Conclusion. Application of statistical methods in the evaluation of the quality of borrowers is a promising direction of searching for effective investment ways for rural producers. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2 |
Modern criteria for the design of corporate governance systems |
Introduction. Modern corporate governance systems of leading domestic corporations take into account, on average, slightly more than 50% of the requirements of the International Best Practices in Corporate Governance, which indicates their imperfection, low corporate reputation in the eyes of the investment community and undercapitalization in the domestic and foreign stock markets. This fact requires a more thorough approach to the design of corporate governance systems, taking into account not only established practices, Russian and international requirements for these systems, but also innovations that appear in the international principles of corporate governance of the OECD. Theoretical analysis. The article analyzes approaches to the process of designing corporate governance systems in Russian corporations, which consist in complying with updated international requirements for “good corporate governance”: long-term sustainable development of a company with a focus on stakeholders, taking into account ESG criteria. The author reveals the content of the design process, substantiates the possibility of using PhICS-modeling in this process. Empirical analysis. The work carried out an audit of the corporate governance system of a particular public corporation, on the basis of which its advantages and inconsistencies with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code were identifi ed. Results. In the process of research, the necessity of the designing corporate governance systems process of Russian corporations is substantiated. On the basis of a special organization, the application of modern criteria for designing a corporate governance system is shown, with the help of PhICS-modeling, directions for improving its quality are developed. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2 |
The infl uence of Covid-19 on small and medium sized enterprises’ managerial activities in Nigeria: A qualitative impact assessment |
Introduction. The influence of Covid-19 is yet to be measured across many economies of the world, as many countries are still grappling with the eff ects of diff erent variants of the virus within its economy. However, within Nigeria, life is mostly returning back to normal with all restrictions removed and businesses seeking to get back to pre-pandemic activity levels. Theoretical analysis. Researchers within the business sector in Nigeria have now begun conducting an impact assessment of the pandemic on businesses that were active during the pandemic, in order to understand how these fi rms’ attained resilience, the problems they faced and how the lessons learned can be curated for management consulting. Methodology.The paper refl ected a qualitative enquiry into the impact of Covid-19 on selected small businesses in the business and fi nancial hub of Nigeria. Using data obtained from ten businesses and fi ve business experts in Lagos, Nigeria, this paper outlined the key themes of how the pandemic impacted the business of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. The study adopted a qualitative, semi-structured interview tool for data collection, convenience sampling and thematic analysis as the approach to data analysis. The data was presented across themes and using fi gures/tables. Results. The paper presented three main themes of impact within these small businesses, namely structural, strategic and fi nancial impacts. These three themes form the main areas where the businesses were aff ected and the paper explores the themes on a macro and micro level, presenting both the positive and negative impact that the pandemic had on businesses. The results cover small businesses in Nigeria mainly, but the fi ndings can be applied to other contexts within Africa or developing nations with similar political and economic environments such as Nigeria. The study found that fi nancial impact was the most critical and common issue presented by small businesses to have aff ected their businesses, especially the issues of income loss and HR related costs. Under the structural impact, business closures due to lockdowns were a prominent issue that arose, with the closure impacting fi rms selling physical products and tourism-focused businesses mostly. Logistical issues were also a critical structural challenge raised, with the impact of reverse logistics being something that negatively impacted a lot of businesses. Сonclusion. It was mentioned in terms of strategic impacts, the lack of government support in terms of policy was a critical issue highlighted amidst a myriad of learning points that will be crucial for future policy and strategizing for SMEs. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2 |