Specificity of Reliability Assessment and Management of Logistics Systems |
In today’s economic realities special urgency solving improve the reliability of logistics systems(HP) that are based on the principles of logistics, which will be based on good organization and management to choose the optimal control action on the system in order to improve the efficiency, reliability, competitiveness and adaptability.Theoretical analysis.To solve the problems of increasing there liability of logistics systems must use the system-integrated approach that will generate efficient structures by reliability and will have a decisive effect on the final results of the economic system. The solution to this complex problem must lie in the plane not only analysis of the processes of interaction mechanisms expanding logistic sun its drugs, but should contain recommendations to improve the reliability, stability, efficiency and flexibility of all subsystems logistics system. Results. The result of applying the author enlarged control algorithm is reliable drugs: rationale quantitative reliability requirements HP and its subsystems, the definition of predictive reliability of the system, the development of population control actions aimed at improving reliability and bringing drugs to the set, solving various optimization problems in which reliability indicators act as objective functions, controlled parameters, monitoring of compliance achieved level of reliability drugs specified requirements. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4(2) |
Types and Forms of the Corporate Conflicts in Modern Organizations |
There are lots of discussions about corporate conflicts, their types and resolving in corporate governance literature nowadays because modern problems of corporate management, its development and evolution are very actual not only for Russian organizations. But till this time there is not definition of «corporate dispute» in any legal documents. «Any controversy or dispute between a company and its shareholder that has arisen in connection with the shareholder’s participation in the company as well as any controversy or dispute that has arisen between the company’s shareholders, which jeopardizes corporate interests, is a corporate conflict, since it affects or may affect relationships within the company» – this definition is used usually. Theoretical analysis. Based on the analysis of corporate conflicts in Russian corporations, the author revealed their types and forms of manifestation in Russia, highlighted the most pressing conflicts, analyzed the features of relations between participants of corporate relations. Results. The results revealed the author of classifying forms of corporate conflicts is to propose ways to improve their authorization: the law toughening responsibility for violations of the law in the area of corporate governance, improve the culture of subjects of corporate relations, improve the effectiveness of boards of directors of joint stock companies, to prepare personnel managers and members of the board of directors of joint-stock companies use mediation and shareholder agreements. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4(2) |
Methodology of Integral Parameter Construction for Evaluation of Informational Processes in the Regions of Russia |
Together with new management paradigm forming, the political management of the country aims to modernize national economics and to implement the new Concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation up to 2020. Ascending importance of informatization development, upgrading of traditional methods of regional industrial structures management require to hold a complex monitoring of actual changes, results of programs and conceptions implementation, to establish trends, dependencies and regularities, to identify advanced direction of successful strategic programs implementation. This provides for the necessity in the present to elaborate methodological instruments permitting to evaluate the development level of informational resources in regional industrial systems. Methods. In course of elaborating and approbation of the methodological instruments, the following general scientific methods were used: system, descriptive, comparative, statistics and comparison analyses. Results. The result is a ready to go methodological set of instruments permitting to evaluate the economics informatization status in different regions of Russia, including a multifactor integral evaluation of informational processes development level, ranking of the Russian Federation constituent entities. The present methodology makes it possible for various groups of users (federal and regional authorities, entrepreneurs) to determine problem zones in informational processes development in the regions and to work out a correction of managerial influences on regions level. Conclusions. Thus, the article presents methodology of comprehensive parameter construction permitting to evaluate the informational processes development in Russian regions. Basic problems of statistics data collection are envisaged. Comprehensive parameter of informational processes development level evaluation in all Russian regions is calculated. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4(2) |
Use of the Venture Capital for Investment of Innovative Activity in the Mechanical Engineering›s Enterprises |
Basis of industrial power of the state is the mechanical engineering which level of development defines the general technological level of economy. In modern conditions the venture capital becomes one of the most effective sources of investment of innovative activity of the enterprises of mechanical engineering. Theoretical analysis. Present condition of branch of mechanical engineering in Russia was analysed in the article. The concept of the venture capital and its special role of investment in innovative activity for enterprises of mechanical engineering reveals and specified. Research of a current state and level of development of the venture industry in Russia was conducted. The special role of the venture capital as source of investment resources for the mechanical engineering enterprises was proved. Conclutions. Conclusions and methodical recommendations of some authors are given in this article, goal of this are activization and increase of efficiency of the venture capital used for investment in the innovative activity of the mechanical engineering’s enterprises. The actions promoting development and technological updating of the enterprises of mechanical engineering in Russia are formulated and offered. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4(2) |
Exchange rate pass-through in Russian regions: Searching for spatial dependencies |
Introduction. The article examines the spatial heterogeneity and factors of the exchange rate pass-through effect in consumer prices in Russian regions. Two hypotheses are tested. The first hypothesis is that there are differences in the magnitude of the passthrough between the Russian regions, the second is the significant influence of spatial relationships between regions on the magnitude of the pass-through effect. Theoretical analysis. The factors of the interregional differences in the pass-through effect are analyzed: the share of imports in the consumption structure, the share of value added produced in the domestic market in the final price of goods, transaction costs, the level of competition and the market structure. Empirical analysis. First pass-through estimates were obtained by means of vector autoregression model. Then the spatial dependence of the exchange rate pass-through was investigated on the basis of the global Moran and Geary indices, LISA, SAR and SEM models. Results. The results indicate the heterogeneity of the pass-through effect in Russian regions, which confirms the first of the hypotheses put forward. Confirmation of the second hypothesis was found only for food products in the short term, which is due to the nature of commodity flows between Russian regions. It is concluded that it is necessary to study the spatial relationships of the pass-through effect based on disaggregated prices. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4 |
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis on small and medium-sized businesses |
Introduction. Throughout the existence of the Russian Federation, its economy is constantly being shaken by crises, and the year 2020 was no exception, when the Covid crisis broke out in the country, as a result of which service enterprises were badly affected. In this regard, we believe that assessing the impact of the current crisis on small and medium-sized businesses, as well as analyzing state support measures, is an urgent and timely task being solved by economic science. Theoretical analysis. Around the world, small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the economy, since in developed countries their share occupies more than 80%. The increased attention and demand of this sphere is due to their high adaptability to crisis situations, as well as the involvement of a significant number of employees in the business. As for Russian realities, in the early 1990s, the demand for this type of enterprise was insignificant, due to the legacy of the Soviet Union in the form of large monopolies, but in the process of transformation and the transition to the digital economy, the country’s government is forming infrastructure aimed at supporting this sector. Empirical analysis. The response in developed countries of the world (USA, Germany, Italy, UK) to the Covid-19 crisis was the support of entrepreneurs in the form of interest-free lending, deferral of loan and leasing payments, and employee benefits. In Russia, on the one hand, the rescue package was close to the world one, but in fact many entrepreneurs were unable to take advantage of them, due to high bureaucracy and a weak regulatory and legislative framework. Results. The Covid crisis has largely struck the Russian service sector, as a result, more than 3 million entrepreneurs are on the verge of closing their businesses, and some have already become bankrupt. The negative factors that aggravated the situation were also: a decrease in real incomes of the population, a decrease in oil prices and economic sanctions against Russia. As a result of a circumstances combination, the economy plunged into crisis and the Government of the Russian Federation was forced to develop measures aimed at maintaining small and medium-sized businesses, but these measures are not enough and enterprises continue to close. The only positive point is the transition of most enterprises to an online format, which brings the country closer to the digital economy. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4 |
Public-private partnerships in US innovation |
Introduction. The subject of the research is public-private partnership (PPP), which contributes, through funding and incentives, to the spatial development of innovation in the United States. As an economic phenomenon, PPP is seen as an effective mechanism for integrating investors, business (primarily venture capital) and the state aimed at implementing the innovation process at the meso-spatial level – states and regions (subregions) of the United States – within the framework of regional innovation systems (RIS), contributing to territorial differentiation. Theoretical analysis reveals the factors and mechanisms of public-private interaction in the space of the corresponding RIS states and sub-regions of the country, characterized by the institutional and functional role of American forms of PPP in the implementation of innovative projects at the regional level. A hypothesis is formulated about the heterogeneity and unevenness of the united innovation space in the United States, one of the foundations of which is the differential nature of state financing of innovation activities at the regional level. Empirical analysis. A correlation is shown between indicative indicators reflecting the level of innovative potential and characterizing the innovative activity of the RIS of the states and subregions of the United States as a whole, on the one hand, and the degree of development of the innovative potential of PPP within the RIS of the corresponding territory, on the other hand. The carried out typological grouping of RIS states based on the lognormal distribution reflects the statistical commonality of the analyzed indicators. Results. Based on the available values of the indices characterizing the innovation activity of the RIS of specific states and subregions of the United States, as well as the calculation of integral indicators that make it possible to assess the interaction of PPP subjects, which are at the same time the institutional and functional elements of the corresponding RIS, a hypothetical statement about the unevenness of the US innovative development has been confirmed. In this case, the territorial differentiation of innovation in the United States and its impact on the spatial aspect of the development of an innovative economy, and, consequently, on economic growth, is determined by the intensity of the use of innovative potential by forms of PPP, which involves proactive financing and stimulation of innovative business projects at the expense of budgetary funds in the RIS of specific groups of states and sub-regions of the United States. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4 |
Sensitivity analysis as a decision-making tool for the implementation of an investment project in mining industry |
Introduction. Russian mining companies need to implement large-scale investment projects due to a variety of internal and external reasons. Projects are aimed at the development of new deposits, technical equipment and the modernization of existing ones. To make substantiated management decisions, a toolkit for analyzing the risks of investment projects is required. Theoretical analysis. The section contains the need to apply quantitative methods for assessing investment risks based on cash flow modeling. We have analyzed the possibility of the use of sensitivity analysis techniques, real options and Monte Carlo methods for the quantitative assessment of the mining industry investment projects risks. The result includes a justification of the feasibility of applying the sensitivity analysis method at the early stages of an investment project. Empirical analysis. The sensitivity analysis tested metrics such as production volumes, commodity prices, capital and operating costs on two mining projects. It was found out that the projects under consideration are the most sensitive to changes in the price of commercial products. Results. Sensitivity analysis is a useful tool for risk analysis of investment projects. The application of this method to an investment project in the mining industry should be carried out taking into account the industry specifics. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3 |
Proactiveness as a factor of making an effective management decision in the restoration and renovation of equipment |
Introduction. The main part of the enterprises equipment of the Russian oil and gas complex operates in different natural and geographical conditions, which requires a special approach to the organization and management of its restoration and renovation. Theoretical analysis. This article examines the definitions of such concepts as “restoration”, “renovation”, as well as the issues of a reactive and proactive approach to managing the processes of restoration and renovation of equipment. Empirical analysis. Based on field studies at oil and gas enterprises, the emphasis is placed on the validity of adopting a proactive approach to the management of equipment recovery and renovation; developed an indicator (index) of proactive management decision-making in the restoration and renovation of equipment. Results. This indicator can be used by the management of oil and gas enterprises to assess the rationality of organizing and managing the processes of equipment restoration and renovation, including the choice of self-service or outsourcing services. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3 |
Stakeholder risk modeling: An econometric analysis experience |
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of stakeholder risks and the possibilities of their assessment. The methodological framework of the study was formed on the basis of the corporate governance theory and its stakeholder model. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of the the Russian-language and English-language publications’ general review, carried out by the authors, it is concluded that there is no clear generally accepted toolkit for assessing stakeholder risk. Assessment of stakeholder risks was most developed in project approaches. Methods. The authors propose an approach for assessing the stakeholder risks of an organization as a whole based on the search for a balance of interests through modeling the contributions and benefits of stakeholders and the gaps between contributions and benefits. The empirical base of the study was made up of data on flour-grinding and bakery enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region for 2010–2019. The unbalanced dashboard for analysis included 130 observations across 28 companies. Results. The methodology has been tested on the example of a comparative analysis of “more successful” and “less successful” companies in terms of revenue. Econometric models of the stakeholder contribution to revenue have been built. Stakeholder risk maps were built, which made it possible to identify the most influential stakeholders in terms of their contribution to revenue and the most risky ones in terms of the gap level. Conclusions. When assessing stakeholder risks, a broad outlook and a system of various methods for assessing stakeholder risks are required, as well as a willingness to take into account factors that may go beyond the framework of the models. The results and conclusions of the article can become a theoretical platform for further research. Further research on this topic can be related to expanding the understanding of the imbalance of interests by taking into account the subjective assessments of stakeholders and experts. For these purposes, it is necessary to adapt existing corporate surveys to accounting for stakeholder value and stakeholder risks. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3 |